House in Coca-Cola Caravan

House in Coca-Cola Caravan


The Coca-Cola Company

Рабочая группа

Executive Director: Yekaterina Belyashina
Creative Director: Azatkhan Uxikbayev
Creative Group Head: Kristina Lazareva
Сopywriter: Yekaterina Padyukova
Сopywriter: Timofey Pozdeev
Designer: Artyom Slyadnev
Designer: Edward Bushuev
Client Service Director: Adilzhan Assanov
Account Director: Mariya Kalashnikova
Account Manager: Aidana Zhylkaidarova
Account Manager: Pavel Alexandrov


On the eve of New Year, Coca-Cola launches the legendary Caravan of trucks in the countries of Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan. Brand plans to focus the campaign on Generation Z - the largest segment of the audience among soft drink consumers.
Goals and objectives:
Collect over 1 million reactions in social networks.
Strengthen the brand image by creating positive buzz among citizens.

Solution & Execution:
In Central Asia New Year is traditionally celebrated at home and the holiday mood was coming with the iconic Coca-Cola Caravan on TV. How to bring the magic of the legendary trucks to the youngsters that don’t watch TV anymore?
We literally moved the house to the streets of the city. More precisely, two super star TikTok houses - BIP and YOLO. On the eve of the holiday, the creators of popular content traveled the country right inside the legendary Coca-Cola trucks. On the road Tiktokers were streaming live, therefore everyone could ask a question or see themselves on the other side of the broadcast.
It was the first time people could track the Caravan’s route online. Those who “catched” the trucks in stories, won a special bundle.

Caravan visited 16 cities in 3 countries, increased package sales growth in Kazakhstan by 16%, exceeded media KPI by 2 times and received more than 68 million interactions with the brand on social networks. We fulfilled childhood dreams and stood out from the clutter of the usual New Year's campaigns, creating real magic.
For the first time Caravan got a human face - and it’s the face of the young progressive generation.