
The Coca-Cola Company

Рабочая группа

Alexey Roshonok - Digital Strategic Director
Anastasiya Li – Senior Digital Planner
Ayapbergenova Saltanat – Digital Group Head
Beles Kozykan - Digital Planner
Kymbat Ibrayeva - Media Group Head
Sofiya Kassymkhanova - Senior Media Planner


The feeling of heat, both on a physical and mental level, is an annoying factor and at one moment the situation can heat up to the limit and get out of control.
But it is easy to stay cool… as easy drinking an ice cold Sprite.
Whenever heat happens, Sprite will cool you down, so you can stay cool!
Identifying key signals of physical and mental heat and penetrating those micro-moments through a key brand message.
In order for the brand message to be relevant to the audience, we identified the key points of mental heat and physical heat and, in accordance with the trigger, demonstrated the brand message to the audience.
The main trigger for physical heat is high temperature. In order to communicate with the audience during hot weather, we used DCO on the Gismeteo platform. It is a platform where users can watch the weather forecast, the platform has a monthly unique audience of 3 million users. The mechanics of DCO was that for 3 different weather conditions unique messages were developed and the system based on algorithms showed the corresponding message. Messages have been designed for the following weather conditions: Heat - Clear, Rain, Cloudy and Windy.
For residents of megacities, traffic jams in the city are a big trigger for mental heat, this was especially true for residents and guests of the city of Almaty, when people were stuck in traffic jams all summer long. For targeting, at the moment, the ability to communicate with the right audience and at the right time through Yandex Navigator was used. The banner appeared when the car's speed was zero, i.e. when it was in a traffic jam. A unique message has also been developed for this.
Additionally, to support the Heat Happens Stay Cool communication platform, a special selection of heat products was developed with E-comm partner Arbuz, where Sprite was at the forefront. The promotion was carried out by internal resources, using notifications for users, a Fullscreen banner, as well as a series of Stories on Instagram.
For more coverage we had 8 DCO animated Smartboards in Almaty, which were adapted to the weather conditions. Totally there were three types of creatives: Heat, Rain and Wind. Depending on the type of weather the green area with message starts to melt, fly away or transform into rain drops.
Within the framework of the main communication idea was developed The unique bus stop, saving people from the summer heat by spraying cool water around every 15 minutes. Totally 2 bus stops at the most crowded places in Almaty.

Coverage – 500 K unique user
Average CTR for mobile and desktop was – 0,55%.
Yandex Navigator
Coverage – 750K unique user
Average CTR for mobile and desktop was – 0,63%.
Sales in quantity increased by 55% during the period of the advertising campaign.

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