The Guardian Pendant - A quiet emergency call

The Guardian Pendant - A quiet emergency call


Sezim Women's Crisis Center

Рабочая группа

Deputy Director of Academic Affairs: Aiymzhan Almazbekova
Head of Career Center: Lira Momunalieva
Creative Director: Nursultan Bakyt
Daniia Sanzhirova, ID-22
Aidana Dokturbek kyzy, CB-22
Sofiia Tepliakova, ID-22
Aibiike-Altynai Mamatova, ID-22
Madina Muradilova, ID-22
Graphic Designer: 017th


Over the past three years, Kyrgyzstan has been recognized as the most dangerous country for women in Central Asia. Over 60% of women don’t report violence due to lack of evidence, fearing insufficient support from the police (less than 30% trust), judicial system, and society. Victims often cannot call for help while with their abuser.

A pendant worn on the neck, which can help victims of violence to call for help without using their phone or hands.

The pendant starts working when pressed twice with your chin, the action is similar to nodding your head. This allows you to call for help without using your hands or phone. When activated, the pendant calls a contact linked in a special app, starts transmitting the location, and records video and audio on the pendant. If the contact does not respond within 30 seconds, the information is sent to a special police service for immediate response.

Information about the pendant and its purchase will be available not only in jewelry stores but also in cosmetic and specialized self-defense stores.