A million starts with a thousand soums

A million starts with a thousand soums



Рабочая группа

Client: TBC
Creative agency: LOKALS

Grouphead - Said Nazrillaev
Copywriter - Amalia Tareniyazova
Art Director - Farukh Gaziyev
Project Manager - Tatiana Sitnikova


Producer - Bogdan Frolov
Director - Ivan Proskuryakov
DOP - Boris Litovchenko
1AD - Kamila Khalilova
Line Producer - Aselya Idayatova

Production Designer - Helga Geller
Props Designer - Alex Deemidov
Production Manager - Muzaffar Yusupov

Casting Director - Anita Borisova Aneta Argandevols
Costume Designer - Irina Nadtoka
Sound engineer - Feruz Isabaev

Post-production manager - Kristina Khabarova
Director of editing - Muslim Nasulloev
Sound/SFX director - Akbar Yusupov
Composer - Stasnis Dmitriev
Color correction - CVET STUDIO


TBC BANK is the first digital bank in Uzbekistan, promoting an online deposit with the highest interest rate on the market and the lowest entry threshold for opening a deposit.

Create a series of short videos that tell about TBC's deposit product and how even the smallest and simplest action,repeated day after day, leads to results.

We invited a professional weaver of handmade carpets to learn about embroidery techniques. In our videos we used two different camera lenses to create the effect of smooth transition from close-up to wide shot, accompanied by music written by the composer with national motifs and finalized all the sound design.

The result
A visually beautiful video with national motifs. We showed how even the smallest actions, repeated regularly, can lead to significant results.