Pitch of opportunities


Supernovas, non-profit football initiative

Рабочая группа

Director of Customer Service - Gulnur Kassymova
Director of Strategy - Dmitriy Larionov
Strategist - Rustem Baltabekov
Motion designer - Vyacheslav Ligay
Creative Director - Nail Muratov
Creative Group Head - Rassul Abidov
Art Director - Vladimir Niy
Copywriter - Roman Shakhbalayev


Children in remote regions of Kazakhstan don't have enough footballs to play. This problem is rarely brought up, and it is completely forgotten during winter. Meanwhile Kazakhstan is a perfect place for football, with millions of square kilometers of flat land.
Plant 1,000 real footballs in a rural field and give them away to kids turning this installation into a conspicuous manifest of the endless possibilities for football development in Kazakhstan.


1,000 footballs are given away
10 000+ children play
2 000 000 people reached, without an advertising budget
30+ publications by bloggers and in the media
+10 applications from coaches
Supernova's website has experienced a triple increase in traffic.