When the water became a Legend

When the water became a Legend



Рабочая группа

Aidai Almazbekova - creator
Bermet Koshoeva - creator
Bayastan Boronbaev - creator
Ismail Karypov - creator
Altynay Ismailbekov - designer

Nursultan Bakyt - creative director
Altynai Ismailbekova - creative manager
Rebeka Baratbaeva - executive director
Baikubat Timurv - intern


By 2050, Kyrgyzstan's glaciers will shrink by 50%, accelerating water scarcity. Global warming intensifies glacier melt and droughts, with regional temperatures rising twice as fast as the global average. According to forecasts of the Eurasian Development Bank, within five years the whole Central Asian region will face chronic water shortages.
Kyrgyzstan ranks sixth in the world for water consumption per capita, with private households using up to 800 liters per person daily, far exceeding the recommended 170 liters.
Without immediate action, Kyrgyzstan and whole region will face severe and lasting water shortages, affecting millions of lives.

Collaborate with Kyrgyzstan's largest and most popular water producer, Shoro Legend. Use bottle labels to highlight the consequences of water waste and offer tips on how to conserve and reduce water consumption. This initiative will raise awareness about the issue and promote sustainable water practices among the public.

- Each bottle of Shoro Legend water will feature specially designed labels that bring attention to the issue of water scarcity.
- The labels will include striking visuals and concise messages about the consequences of wasting water.
- Tips on how to conserve water, such as turning off the tap while brushing teeth and taking shorter showers, will be prominently displayed.
- QR codes will link to additional resources and information about water conservation efforts.

*This concept was created at a special event by the Birtops agency, where marketing and communication specialists work together on creative solutions for advertising briefs. Jolbors Festival is a partner of this event.