SPEYE — Amulet against spiking

SPEYE — Amulet against spiking


Ogilvy Ata

Рабочая группа

Executive Director: Yekaterina Belyashina
Creative Director: Azatkhan Uxikbayev
Account Manager: Anara Iskakova
Creative Group Head: Yerassyl Bigazinov
Strategic Planner: Askhat Orazaev
Art Director: Darya Zhuravleva
Senior Designer: Zhanel Smagulova
Senior Designer: Eduard Bushuev
Designer: Asylgul Sembayeva
Designer: Ulpan Zharylkhasyn


The population of Almaty is growing rapidly, and the number of entertainment venues is growing along with it. Relaxing in bars has become incredibly popular among all residents of the city. It is now impossible to come somewhere on the weekend and take a table without a reservation. People put on their best clothes, carefully prepare, stand in lines, and in all this fuss they forget that rest can turn into a real tragedy. More and more often, the information space is filled with unimaginable cases of various kinds of violence around nightclubs. However, many victims cannot find justice, because alcohol in the blood makes them equal accomplices in the crime in the eyes of the public and the justice system. “You should have drunk less”, “You should have watched yourself”, “You should have behaved differently”, and so on. All this has led to the spread of a new type of crime - spiking.

Spiking is a rapidly growing type of crime, where the perpetrator discreetly adds illegal drugs to a girl's drink, which completely disorients her. This is done with the purpose of rape and/or robbery. From the outside, it looks as if the victim drank too much alcohol, although in the case of spiking, just one poisoned cocktail is enough. The problem of low awareness of spiking leads to the fact that victims often do not even understand what happened to them. And the perpetrators, meanwhile, feel their impunity - after all, it is impossible to prove that something was added to a drink after the fact due to the rapid breakdown of substances in the blood. Moreover, the general public and the system find it easiest to blame the victim who drank alcohol. Thus, spiking is almost impossible to prove, it can only be prevented.

As an Almaty creative agency, we created the Speye charity project with the goal of educating guests about the dangers of spiking and giving them the opportunity to protect themselves directly in places where crimes occur. The project covered popular Almaty bars and included the introduction of special disposable lids to protect bar glasses, as well as the creation of a recognizable Speye symbol in the form of the familiar amulet "Nazar", symbolizing vigilance and general concern for the well-being of visitors. All Speye materials lead to the public page of the project on IG, where users can learn all about the problem of spiking and how to protect themselves.

In 18 weeks from the start of the project, more than 11 bars in Almaty supported the initiative and integrated Speye materials into their spaces. More than 1,100,000 people learned about the problem thanks to the support of information partners: Qara Studiosi, QM Metacommunication Company, ELLE Kazakhstan, Almaty Today, Orda Kazakhstan, Spring.Ca, Manshuq_media, SVET public fund, Mom'skiy ANGIME, Party Killers, I.see.Almaty and many others.
More than 700,000 – media coverage. More than 80,000 glasses of drinks were protected with Speye lids.
The project became a symbol of the fight against spiking in Kazakhstan.
