Travelling with Aviata is pure Joy


Рабочая группа

Mariya Tatarchenko (Aviata's content-manager)
Diana Otarbayeva (Aviata's brand manager)
Aviata's marketing team (Marzhan Zhalimbetova, Yuliya Khamitova, Aray Zhauperova, Lyubov Karakulova, Roman Silkov, Adil Maratov)

Special thanks to the team of RTS Decaux


It is the first collaboration Disney and Pixar had with the kazakhstani brand. We had an idea to connect Aviata's features with the emotions from the movie Inside out 2.
For example, instead of getting Angry, when something goes wrong, you can reach out to Aviata's customer support service and they'll help fixing everything. Or, if you're one of those Anxious people who tend to overpack, just add extra luggage in one click in the app. And we connected all emotions to different features in Aviata.
We created a big campaign with the key message "Travelling with Aviata is pure joy" and launched it in out-of-home and digital.
As a result we got 31 million of impressions online. We placed our visuals on 144 billboards in Almaty, Astana and Shymkent and drastically increased attention to them through popular cartoon characters. It gave us an opportunity to explain Aviata's complicated features simply to a lot of people