The new tradition is the best tradition


Golden Minds

Рабочая группа

Creative idea& Strategy: Yuliya Kirichek
Director: Yuliya Zatulovskaya
Creative producer: Yuliya Zatulovskaya
Project manager: Yuliya Kirichek
Production: Vladimir Slobodenyuk
Designer-illustrator: Roksolana Mikitka
Designer-illustrator: Tatiana Dyugay
Designer: Albina Hakhimova
Copywriter: Yuliya Kirichek
Manager: Svetlana Stasenkova


Context: There has always been a problem of cruelty/indifference towards animals in Uzbekistan. There are no animal spay/neuter programs in the country. Animals are usually rescued by animal advocates, volunteers and concerned people (not so many), shelters are overcrowded and constantly in need of funds for animal care and treatment. For example, the largest shelter in Uzbekistan "Hayot" has more than 6000+ animals and dogs arrive there almost daily.

This led us to focus on two key goals:
global - to influence the attitude of the population to animals, awakening of sensitivity and good attitude, growth of responsibility towards animals, reducing the level of cruelty and indifference. The short-term objective is to increase donations to the shelter "Khaet", as well as to the project on creation of cat houses and sterilization of stray cats "Mushukkent"

We used three channels:
- Project social media,
- cups in coffee shops,
- power banks in cafes.

To attract attention and motivate donations, we launched a collaboration with the popular Tashkent coffee shop chain "Chaikof", where the audience is solvent people who appreciate aesthetics and humanism.

To increase the recognizability of the project, we created the mascot characters "Kuchuk" and "Mushuk", representing dogs and cats. Their images and names are understandable to both Uzbek-speaking and Russian-speaking audiences. The characters have their own stories and personalities: Kuchuk is a calm dog living on a construction site, and Mushuk is a playful cat that can be found in the yards.

In January, we launched the first campaign at Chaikof with cups with the characters' images and a QR code for donations to the "Khaet" shelter or the "Mushukkent" project. At the same time, a "Kuchuk&Mushuk" account was created in social networks, where the stories of the heroes were published.

The next step was a collaboration with an agency to place advertisements on power banks in restaurants and cafes, where mini animations with Kuchuk and Mushuk and a QR code for donations were broadcast.

As a result of launching the project and these campaigns, we reached over 150,000 people on social media, with mentions from influencers and everyday users. The "Hayot" shelter received donations totaling 20,710,000 soums (≈1645$) and the "Mushukkent" project received 9,545,400 soums (≈760$). The project goes on.