Yangi Toshkent (New Tashkent city)

Yangi Toshkent (New Tashkent city)


Directorate of the new Tashkent. Government of Uzbekistan

Рабочая группа

Creative Agency: Synthesis

Creative Director – Farrukh Sharipov
Client service director (CSD) – Alina Mirzaeva
Creative copywriter – Sergey Gorobtsov
Creative copywriter – Sadokat Sultanmuratova
Art-director – Timur Aitov
Designer – Vlada Idunova
Designer – Amirxon Isaxanov
Account Manager – Valeriya Shamakova
Account Manager – Darya Gerasimova
Account Manager – Yulia Gerasimova

Client: Yangi Toshkent

Novotashkent City Construction Administration – Adilov Davronjon Kabilyanovich
First Deputy Director – Rizaev Bakhram Saidakbarovich
Deputy Director for Construction and Infrastructure – Abbaskhanov Maksud Numanovich
Deputy Director for Investments and Foreign Economic Activities – Radzhabov Sharaf Sharafovich
Head of Urban Planning Documentation Department – Sharipov Saidazim Saidolimovich
Head of Infrastructure Planning Department – Makhmudov Zokhriddin Badritdinovich


Tashkent is a city of intersections, where the ancient meets the modern, East meets West, traditions blend with innovations, calmness coexists with movement, and spirituality merges with science. This city unites a multitude of nationalities, cultures, and talents.

With the growing urban population and forecasts predicting that by 2030, Tashkent will have over 3.8 million residents, the need arose to create a new space. The government approved the plan for the construction of "Yangi Tashkent — New Tashkent."

Our task was to create a brand that reflects the diversity of the city — from its cultural heritage to its modern appearance. We focused on unity through diversity, highlighting the uniqueness of each aspect of life in Tashkent.

Inspired by the duality of the city, we decided to showcase how opposites merge into one. The new brand "Yangi Tashkent" symbolizes the harmony between history and innovation, bringing together the residents in their pursuit of prosperity and well-being, where tradition meets modernity.