

Рабочая группа

Lokals Central Asia:
Creative director - Shaha Saliev
Copywriter - Said Nazrillayev
Art director - Stanislav Babic
Project Manager - Elina Solomina
3D artist - Andrey Kornienko, Andrey Sminshikov, Doniyor Mamanov

Shoom production:
General Producer - Alexandra Demchenko
Creative Producer - Ilkham Kerimov
Line Producer - Nigina Mamatkulova, Shelin Erhojaeva
Video Operator Director - Kirill Golovanov
Motion Designer - Alexander Akimov

Music Producer - Akmal Rashidov
Music Producer, Mixing and Mastering - Rustambek Usmonov
Music Producer, Mixing and Mastering - Arenyan Vaagn
Creative consultants - Sergey Aleksanin, Timofey Pozdeev


Nike is a global brand that champions sports and athletes worldwide—except in Central Asia, a region with immense potential where football is a true passion. From ages 7 to 70, locals watch, play, and live football, admiring Nike athletes as icons. For them, creating handmade football kits is a common practice, as the Swoosh symbolizes not just a brand, but the essence of sport itself.

To support local football enthusiasts and help them hone their skills, Nike launched its first-ever campaign in Central Asia called “True Swoosh Kits.” As part of this campaign, various Nike football athletes crafted their own handmade kits, wore them on the pitch, and donated them to a special shop at nike.tsk.com.
In addition, we launched a global outdoor advertising campaign and produced a commercial that brought our concept to life.

The "True Swoosh Kits" campaign went viral, and all our merchandise sold out almost instantly! The brand raised over $1 million, which was directly invested in building new stadiums for children in Central Asia and providing them with professional football gear.