

Рабочая группа

Marketing Director: Anton Kim

RA Kombinat
Creative Director: Nikita Yermolayev
Group head of Creative Department: Natasha Shteinbrener
Account Director: Yelena Dmitriyeva
Account Manager: Nargiz Karzhas
Merch Producer: Anna Ryazanceva
SMM manager: Diana Cherkashina

Art director/Photographer: Vasiliy Shvetsov
Assistant photographer: Viktoriya Abramova
Gaffer: Gennadiy Belyh

Videographer: Mikhail Prikhodko
Gaffer: Ilya Kim
Assistant: Ruslan Arsamikov
Backstage: Rustam Abenov

Set Designer: Arailym Jumadullayeva
Stylist: Aizat Sarsembayev
Assistants Stylist: Anel Ten, Malika Suieubergen
Makeup&Hair Artist: Alexandra Davydova
Assistant Makeup&Hair: Darya Norkina


Loyalty programs are often taken for granted by customers and tend to be ineffective. For instance, a bank's merchandise.
Employees use it, but customers don't need it. Nobody wants to associate themselves with banks.

The most valuable things for people tend to be those that are out of our reach. Things that money can't buy.

We decided to change the approach to the bank's branding and created TRANSACTIONAL MERCH - items designed by well-known artists that people would really want to get. They cannot be purchased with money. Each item had its own price - a specific set of actions within the app.

MARKETING RESULTS (Comparative period 2 months before promo and 2 months during promo):
- the amount of the transfer of funds increased by 8,28%
- the app downloads were increased by 147%
- the total amount of transactions in cafes and restaurants increased by 12%
- the total amount of 38 000 cards were issued online during the course of the campaign. The total quantity increased by 6%.

PR RESULTS (for the promotional period - August-September 2023):
- 9 700 000+ audience reach
- 100 000+ of interactions