

Рабочая группа

Work group

Graphic designers: Vlad Ignatiev, Ekaterina Konopleva
Art director: Kristina Alshevskaya
Motion: Alisher Satbaev 

Copywriter: Daniyar Agabekov
Head of Creative group: Marat Botin
Head of Strategic Marketing: Ainur Zhamanova 

Director of Daily Banking: Asel Chegimbayeva
Director of Marketing Division: Anton Kim



At Forte, we believe that every person has great potential that just needs to be recognized. In the summer of 2023, we launched an advertising campaign about this - “Strength is on your side.” It's about how we help people who doubt themselves find their strength and make those who have already found it even stronger and help them achieve more.


Banking applications are similar in terms of design, and so are the payment cards themselves. Besides, no one sees the cards, because people use QR codes for payment almost everywhere — Apple Pay and Google Pay have low market penetration in Kazakhstan.

How can we highlight our bank’s cards and increase the payment services use frequency?


Create a unique and memorable image of the bank cards using historical figures of Kazakhstan. Through them, strengthen the positioning and reflect the bank’s values. 


Awaken in each client faith in their own strength and desire for new achievements. Use the unique designs and stories of Kazakhstani personalities to stand out among the competitors.

Thanks to a non-standard approach, we can make the payment process not just a mundane action, but a source of inspiration and positive emotions.


As part of the “Strength is on your side” image-building platform, we have employed a young, talented illustrator for the project and, together with the internal team of designers, brought the idea to life - we made unique skins for Forte cards.
Each customer can log into the app and choose a skin with a famous historical figure that inspires them and that they want to see every time they pay for their purchases.


Increase in retail turnover by 13%. The Net Promoter Index (NPS) increased by 12%.
Increase in use of Apple Pay and Google Pay by 5%.