
Xiaomi Kazakhstan Project Manager - Yan Yang Marketing Manager - Kamshat Atuova PR Manager - Alina Voloshina SoMe Manager - Kseniya Gorina

Рабочая группа

Agency - Bayev Group
CEO - Alexey Bayev
Event Director - Olga Bondarenko
Event Producer - Zhyldyz Kapparova
Event Assistent - Sanam Revaeva
Creative Director - Linar Mukhamadeev
Creator - Alexander Ogurechnikov
Copywriter - Ivan Starkov
Art-director - Sergei Kanin
Designer - Anastassiya Belebezyeva

Film Director - Adilet Abish
Cinematographer - Azamat Dulatov


A new smartphone with the legendary lens from Leica.
The main advantage a professional movie camera that creates impressive pictures in the shade and in the light

To tell about the possibilities of a new smartphone in the market of Kazakhstan

To demonstrate the capabilities of Xiaomi 14 Ultra, we decided to use Kazakh legends. They shows eternal struggle between good and evil, light and shadow.
The hero of our legend will be a girl who rushes between routine and freedom, looking for herself in this world.

The campaign took place in several stages:
The expedition
Making a movie
Master class

The expedition.
20 young creators under the leadership of the famous film director Adilet Abish, went on an expedition to the iconic places of Kazakhstan. There they got acquainted with the capabilities of a smartphone, shot a movie with a Leica camera and created legendary images based on light and shadow.

During the expedition, we shot a legend film about a girl in which two entities fought: light and shadow, routine and adventure, social framework and the "real Me".
In the finale, the heroine reveals herself and chooses new emotions.
And Xiaomi 14 Ultra helps to preserve these emotions, which this film was shot on
Master class.
At the beginning of the master class, we presented the premiere of the legend film to the media and influencers.
Then. Adilet Abish held a master class on photography on a smartphone. Each guest tried the capabilities of the Leica camera in a special photo zone based on light and shadow.

Project link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_jGp5hN6V0