Pakhtakor Football Club
Team leader: Malika Saatova
Designer: Yuliya Saatova
Designer: Diana Suleymanova
Designer: Fatima Parpiyeva
Designer: Milena Khannazarova
Production: Danir Salikhov
Copywriter: Rustam Makhamadjanov
Description: On August 11, 1979, a terrible plane crash took lives of almost all players of the Pakhtakor football club. August 11, 2019 marks 40 years from the tragic date. Large-scale commemorative events were planned in honor of our legendary football players.
Objective: to create an identity of the event and avoid tragedy and mourning mood.
Solution: to keep the history, recreate and “restore” a version of the logo that the FC Pakhtakor had in 1979. It is almost impossible to restore portrait photographs of all players - some of the players simply did not have them. Therefore, we decided to outline the faces of football players from old photographs with team and family, to make people know each player in the face.
Based on the portraits, visual solutions were created for the stadium – reserve players benches, large banners, as well as prints on buses, photo zones and a memorial stand with portraits of players.
The tasks also included the design of souvenirs – paper bags, watches, t-shirts, caps, badges.