AVIATA: Anton Storozhenko, Juliya Khamitova
MOVATORS idea farm:
General producer: Dmitry Schegolikhin
Creative director: Timur Shaitkaliev
Creative producer: Yelaman Rakhimberlin
Client-service: Iliya Akhmejanova
General manager: Alexandra Gashnikova
Producer: Artyom Porkovyrov
Designers: Denis Morozov, Nikita Tyulyupov
Director: Oljas Bayalbayev
DOP: Bakhtiyar Sadykov
Production designer: Juliya Kravchenko
Color Correction: Ruslan Mukhambetov
Casting: OPS
Photographer: Kirill Yuriev
Aviata is the largest service for buying air tickets and the largest e-commerce company in Kazakhstan.
1. Attract the Internet users, who still buy tickets not on the Internet but in ticket offices
2. Tell in a simple and memorable way about Aviata product benefits
- even faster, simpler and more convenient way to compare all flight options
- Aviata waived the fee and ticket prices became even lower (new benefit)
3. Additional task – to emphasize that Aviata is a company that has a good understanding about Kazakhstanis with all their needs.
We took an almost ordinary Kazakh family
Added an exotic pet – an iguana in the corporate color!
Emphasizing Aviata’s support on any issues, including the transportation of exotic animals
Didn’t forget about business and friends
Came up with a refrain, which covers any question
- Because we’ve made a comparison
- Because prices are lower
- Because it’s Aviata
Created three films
We placed them on Instagram, YouTube and in partners’ video networks
Created a beautiful Instagram grid
(the most popular social network in Kazakhstan)
Revealed the characters by telling additional funny stories about each of them
Zhaksybek the Iguana went on living his own life in sticker packs
At least one of the 3 series was viewed by 3.78 mln unique users
Traffic growth:
Direct: June-July: +36.49%, +11.56%
Brand: June-July: +22.58%, +24.04%
SALES GROWTH: June-July 2019: +39%
(The same period in 2018: +15%)
(The same period in 2017: +13%)
Because it’s Aviata!