
Magnum Cash & Carry

Рабочая группа

Agency: BBDO CA
CEO - Danil Maslov
CD - Roman Breiman
CSD - Iuliia Iugai
Senior Account Manager - Karina Iskhakova
Account manager - Kseniya Zhanokova
Art Director - Svetlana Nikolayeva
Junior Art Director - Yelena Kossolapova
Copywriter - Darya Priyezzheva


Magnum Go is an app of the local supermarket “Magnum Cash & Carry”.
It launched a new feature – groceries delivery.

To create key visual for the new service.

Usually supermarket – is not about “quick grocery shopping”. People often dive into planning, procrastinate and put this off for tomorrow, for next week or for whenever. In Russian language there is an idiom about this “руки не доходят”, on English it’s like: “Can't get your hands on running errands”.

With “Magnum Go” your hands don’t need to do anything.
So they can just chill and relax.