'Hi! Trip' naming and logo


Hi! Trip

Рабочая группа

Art-director: Oleg Kachalin
Project managers: Elena Mikheeva, Roman Nadein
Graphic designers: Polina Nagornaya, Ula Seitzhanov
Copywriter: Bota Shariphznova


Hi! Trip” is an online webservice wich sells travel insurance for tourists and businessmen. A name and a logo for the service were created in the "Rocket Firm".

“Hi” is a greeting. “Trip” is a reference to travel. “Hi! Trip” sets up tourists for carefree adventures and businessmen for non-hectic work.

We created ready-made logos for the main destination points and languages. The main version of a logo is used in statics (for example, for printed products) and as the first and final slide in the animation. The greeting language in the main version is English.

Popular languages of the world are used in additional versions, each variant has an individual line design and a set of colours. The set of colors relies on well-known ideas about the homeland of the language.